Adjusting Windows Sleep Settings

Windows computers allow for the user to specify different sleep and hibernate settings depending on their preferences. These features are intended to save power and resources while the computer is not in use. When Windows detects that the computer is not in use, it will make the screen turn off or for the computer to use less resources in order to save power.

This can have a negative impact on EEGer sessions, as there can often be periods of time where no input is being provided, especially if someone is training by themselves or eyes-closed. If the computer enters sleep or hibernate mode, it can interrupt feedback and cause a session or game to crash. Additionally, allowing the computer to enter sleep mode can impact certain models of amplifiers.

Thankfully, these settings can be adjusted to prevent interruptions to sessions. To do this, follow the instructions below.

  1. Open the Windows Settings menu - this can be done by pressing Win+I, searching in the start menu, or pressing the gear icon shortcut in the Start Menu.
  2. A new window will appear on the screen. Select the System category.
  3. On the left side, select Power & sleep.
  4. On the screen that appears, several options will be available for adjusting sleep settings. If using a laptop, additional options will be present to choose what happens when the computer is charging versus when using battery.
  5. We recommend setting these settings to be above the average session length to prevent interruptions. The settings we typically configure laptops for are as follows:

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Neurofeedback Research