EEGer For Healthcare Professionals
What’s Included
The EEGer4 Neurofeedback Suite.
Get access to EEGer on an outright, lease-to-own, or subscription-basis depending on what works best for you. Build the cost of EEGer into your practice as you begin seeing clients.
High-Quality Equipment & Supplies.
We have years of experience testing and using neurofeedback equipment, and work closely with clinicians to achieve good results. Your bundle includes the best equipment available.
Trusted Support.
When purchasing a training kit, 180 days of premium support are included. Afterward, we offer affordable support memberships with flexible scheduling and remote support.
An Engaging Community.
Our users are highly-connected, and our forum has a warm and inviting atmosphere. You will meet new people, connect with experts, and learn and grow alongside fellow clinicians.
Webinar & Educational Content.
Once a clinician chooses EEGer, we want to ensure they’re well-supported! We offer online content with leading minds in the fields of neurofeedback and mental health.
Our Passionate Team.
Our team’s goal is to help clinicians succeed. We are constantly finding new ways to improve the software and overall experience for our users, as well as listening to their feedback.

We Offer Introductory Training In Neurofeedback
You’re taught by clinicians who have found success adding neurofeedback to their practice, with real experience training clients.
We provide mentoring and comprehensive technical support throughout the training process, with optional memberships to receive ongoing support.
EEGer allows clinicians full control over the feedback process. This freedom allows EEGer users to apply neurofeedback across a wide variety of conditions, training plans, and use cases.
Our community is inviting and eager to share their knowledge and excitement about neurofeedback.
Common Questions
A neurofeedback session looks different depending on the clinician and software used. As EEGer does not restrict how a clinician uses the software, there are many valid approaches to how clinicians use EEGer.
Some clinicians use neurofeedback alongside other treatment modalities. They may begin a session with neurofeedback before transitioning into another modality, then return to neurofeedback prior to ending a session.
Some clinicians will have clients go through an initial qEEG or MiniMap, where they establish a baseline for how their brain operates. Others have clients complete intake questions to properly evaluate if neurofeedback training is the right choice, and to help inform an effective training plan.
Others work with clients remotely, using EEGer’s Home Training options. Using this method, the clinician assesses and creates a training plan remotely. The client is then able to run live sessions on their own equipment with guidance from their clinician, or the clinician may remotely connect to the system to control the training with adjustments in real-time.
If you have already attended an introductory training course or have experience with another neurofeedback software, that’s great!
You likely have a lot of the foundational knowledge about neurofeedback, how to evaluate a client’s needs, and the practical side of neurofeedback (like applying electrodes and using technology).
What that previous experience might not have covered is the level of evaluation, review, and decision-making that EEGer allows for.
Many clinicians who have worked with other systems still choose to attend an EEGer introductory course because it helps translate the information they already know and to fill in what’s missing. This ensures they have the highest chance to succeed when applying their skills to EEGer. and helps them build confidence with the system.
We often hear back that the mentoring with an experienced EEGer clinician is a big part of initial success, especially when coming from another system.
Many of our clinical mentors have worked with other software systems in the past or alongside EEGer, so can often help with the specific questions or challenges that come up as you’re figuring things out.
No, the training courses we support are focused on applying neurofeedback practically, and are designed to be as system-agnostic as possible.
That means you can take what you learn during training and apply it to another system down the road if you decide EEGer is not the best fit.
We do not lock you into using EEGer, and will even refund your equipment deposit if you decide it’s not the right time to get started.
If you purchased an equipment bundle from us, there’s also a good chance that it could be compatible with a different neurofeedback system. We do not use proprietary devices, as we want to help make neurofeedback accessible regardless of what system you choose.
Our community of clinicians is a useful resource for new clinicians to ask questions, compare different modalities, and discuss the work they are doing in neurofeedback. We host a community forum and several free discussion groups on a monthly basis.
Many EEGer clinicians also have blogs and YouTube channels where they discuss training and neurofeedback if you search the web.
Otherwise, the following papers and books may be of interest to you!
General Introduction to Neurofeedback:
Hill, Robert & Castro, Eduardo (2009), Healing Young Brains: The Neurofeedback Solution. (Chapter 15-16)
Robbins, Jim (2008), A Symphony in the Brain: The Evolution of the New Brainwave Biofeedback.
New & Prospective Clinicians:
Demos, John (2004), Getting Started with Neurofeedback.
Fisher, Sebern (2014), Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma/Calming the Fear-Driven Brain
Larson, Stephen (2012), The Neurofeedback Solution.
Swingle, Paul (2010), Biofeedback for the Brain Trauma.
VandenBergh, Werner, (2010), Neurofeedback and State Regulation in ADHD: A Therapy Without Medication (Chapter 4)
Advanced Reading on Neurofeedback:
Budzynski, Thomas; Budzynski, Helen; Evans, James; Abarbanel, Andrew (2008), Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback, Second Edition: Advanced Theory and Application.
Coben, Robert & Evans, James (2010), Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation: Techniques and Applications.
Kropotov, Juri (2008), Quantitative EEG, Event Related Potentials and Neurotherapy.
Soutar, Richard & Longo, Robert (2011), Doing Neurofeedback: An Introduction.
Thompson, Michael & Thompson, Linda (2003), The Neurofeedback Book.
VandenBergh, Werner (2010), Neurofeedback and State Regulation in ADHD.
Books on Neuroplasticity:
Begley, Sharon (2007), Train Your Mind , Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves.
Costandi, Moheb (2016), Neuroplasticity (MIT Press, Essential Knowledge)
Doidge, Norman (2007), The Brain That Changes Itself
Hoffmann, Erik (2012), New Brain, New World.
Schwartz, Jeffrey & Begley, Sharon (2003), The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force.
General Books About the Brain:
Bor, Daniel (2012), The Ravenous Brain: How the New Science of Consciousness Explains Our Insatiable Search for Meaning
Buzsaki, Gyorgy (2006), Rhythms of the Brain.
Damasio, Antonio (2010), Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain.
Dehaene, Stanislas (2014), Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts.
Eagleman, David (2011), Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain
Eagleman, David (2015), The Brain: The Story of You.
Gazzaniga, Michael (2013), Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind, 4th Ed.
Gazzaniga, Michael (2008), Human: The Science Behind What Makes Us Unique.
LeDoux, Joseph (2002), The Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are.
McGilchrist, Iain (2009), The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Modern World.
Northoff, Georg (2014), Minding the Brain.
Northoff, Georg (2014), Unlocking the Brain.
Nunez, Paul & Srinivasan, Ramesh (2006), Electric Fields of the Brain: The Neurophysics of the EEG.
Ornstein, Robert & Sobel, David (1999), The Healing Brain: Breakthrough Discoveries About How the Brain Keeps Us Healthy.
Penrose, Roger and Hameroff, Stuart (2011), Consciousness and the Universe: Quantum Physics, Evolution, Brain & Mind.
Restak, Richard (2001), The Secret Life of the Brain.
Rose, Nikolas and Abi-Rahed, Joelle (2013), Neuro: The New Brain Sciences and the Management of the Mind.
Sapolsky, Robert (2017), Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst.
Siegel, Daniel (1999), The Developing Mind
Siegel, Daniel(2017), Mind
Sweeney, Michael & Restak, Richard (2009), Brain: The Complete Mind.
Research Papers:
Bessel van der Kolk, Ed Hamlin and Mark Gapen (2016), A Randomized Controlled Study of Neurofeedback for Chronic PTSD
Strehl, Ute (2014), What learning theories can teach us in designing neurofeedback treatments.
Tomas Ros, Bernard J Baars, Ruth A Lanius and Patrik Vuilleumier, (2014), Tuning pathological brain oscillations with neurofeedback: A systems neuroscience framework.
There are requirements to use EEGer in a clinical capacity:
You should attend an introductory training course, preferably one that is BCIA-Approved with a hands-on training component.
You must be licensed in a healthcare or related mental health field, or be supervised by someone who is licensed.
In part, these requirements are to maintain compliance with our regulatory bodies, but we find that they have added benefits too.
Because clinicians who use EEGer are well-trained, they’re more likely to implement neurofeedback successfully in their practices. Clients can also trust that a clinician who offers neurofeedback with EEGer knows what they’re doing when it comes to training.
Attending a full training course and purchasing equipment will be an initial investment of around $5,000, but this can vary depending on needs and previous experience.
This is understandably a large investment for many clinicians, so we work to offer payment plans and discounts where possible (especially to support non-profit work and research).
Cost for any neurofeedback system can unfortunately be prohibitive, especially for clinicians in regions with large economical disparities. This is also true for clinicians working in private-practice, with strict budgets, in research, and non-profit work.
From working with clinicians who have successfully added neurofeedback to their practices, we’ve learned that this initial investment is soon paid off, often within the first year. There are a few factors that make this possible:
Some clinicians can charge more per session by adding neurofeedback.
Due to its success rate, adding neurofeedback decreases now-show and cancellation rates.
Neurofeedback is less taxing for the clinician, reducing burnout.
It can allow for shorter sessions or seeing a larger number of clients, especially by adding at-home training.
Many clients are seeking neurofeedback training, so clinicians who add it can reach a whole new group of clients.
If you have questions, we’re happy to provide you with additional information and to put you in contact with clinicians and mentors. They can provide context and break down the business costs and returns they see with neurofeedback.
Yes, many clinicians come to neurofeedback after working with clients using different training modalities. They often add neurofeedback alongside their traditional services, or as an option for new clients during the intake process.
A lot of clinicians also come to EEGer after using other neurofeedback systems and being unsatisfied with the results, transparency, or who simply want more from neurofeedback.
We offer payment plans and subscription options to build the cost of adding neurofeedback into their practice. As you begin seeing more clients and gain experience with the system, this helps make it easy and affordable to add additional systems or extra games.
If you’re not feeling ready to get started with neurofeedback but are interested in learning more, please reach out to us! We are firm believers in the benefits that neurofeedback can provide, and if you feel the same way we would love for you to be a member of our community.
We offer webinars, discussion groups, and other learning opportunities that are accessible to clinicians who are just learning about neurofeedback or who use other software systems.
If you attend a training course and decide it’s not the right time to add EEGer to your practice, you can keep the equipment and convert your software license once you feel ready. You can also return the equipment to us for a refund of your equipment deposit.