Installing DVDGame & Compatible Media Players

Installing DVDGame

  1. Check which version of EEGer is installed. This can be seen in the bottom left corner of EEGer’s Main Screen in black text (EEGer4 000X).
  2. Close EEGer if it is open.
  3. Download the correct version of DVDGame for the EEGer version that is installed.
    440v or Later: Download DVDGame 1.55
    Previous EEGer Versions: Download DVDGame 1.32

  4. Once the download is finished, run the DVDGame installer. The default installation settings are okay and do not need to be adjusted. Click Next, Install, OK, and Finish when prompted.

At this stage, DVDGame should be installed on the computer.

  • If this is a first-time installation, the Game Initialization Tool must be run, and a compatible media player must be installed. Instructions are included below.
  • If this is a new purchase, the latest enabling keyfile must be installed. This keyfile will 'unlock' the game and allow it to be used for live sessions.

Installing a Compatible Media Player

DVDGame requires a compatible media player in order to display video and overlay feedback. If a media player is not installed (or the wrong version is installed) feedback will not be possible. To install a compatible media player, follow the steps below:

  1. Download VLC version 2.0.8 from the EEGer Downloads Page.
  2. Run the VLC installer and complete it using the default installation settings. At the end of the installer, a prompt will allow VLC to be opened.
  3. After VLC opens, a small window will appear with important configuration settings.
  4. Uncheck the box for autochecking for updates and uncheck downloading media data.

Next, disable AutoPlay from the Windows Settings. This will prevent Windows from interfering with DVDGame. The following instructions apply to Windows 10:

  1. Click the Windows Start button on the bottom taskbar.
  2. Type AutoPlay in the search bar.
  3. AutoPlay Settings should appear - click this.
  4. In the menu that follows, turn off the option that says Use AutoPlay for all media and devices.

If a particular media player or version does not work, it is recommended to fully uninstall the media player and attempt to download and install an alternative version or media player. All compatible media players are available on the EEGer Downloads Page.

Game Initialization Tool

The Game Initialization Tool must be ran to allow EEGer to recognize the new game:

  1. Open EEGer and navigate to Tools>Game Initialization Tool from the top toolbar of EEGer's main screen.

  2. After a moment, a list of installed games should appear. Click Done-Save Configuration at the bottom right of the menu.

  3. Click SAVE all games at the bottom of the next menu and return to EEGer's main screen.

  4. DVDGame should now be selectable when beginning a live or replay session. Note that EEGer must be set to Dual Monitor mode for it to be selectable for training. If the game is appearing with a pink background, it is unlicensed and an enabling keyfile is needed to use the game with live sessions.


Zukor Game Appearing on Wrong Display


Installing New Feedback Displays (How to Install Games)