Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Are EEGer's Licensing Requirements?

    To use EEGer clinically, a user must meet the following requirements:

    • Have attended a hands-on training or equivalent mentorship.

    • Be supervised by a licensing board in their state/country or be under the supervision of a licensed clinician.

    For using EEGer at home, the only requirement is that you work with an existing EEGer clinician who can supervise your use of the system.

    We offer introductory training courses to help new clinicians get started with neurofeedback and to meet our licensing requirements. If you attend one of our trainings, you’ll receive an equipment bundle that includes what you need to get started. It also comes with technical support, which helps to set things up and to avoid downtime once you begin training. There are also packages that include additional mentorship and advanced training options.

    For experienced clinicians or returning users looking for a refresher, we also offer courses and webinars online and in-person.

  • What Does EEGer Cost?

    We offer flat software subscriptions at $95.00 a month. For clinical systems, we also offer payment plans and single-payment options.

    Other expenses when starting out include a Windows computer to run the software and equipment like an amplifier and electrodes. We offer equipment bundles that include the core components.

    If you’re coming from another software, there’s a good chance your existing equipment will work with EEGer too. For Home Use, some clinicians will have spare equipment to rent or loan for at-home training.

    We work with non-profits & research groups to sponsor equipment or offer it at a reduced cost.

    For more information on pricing, see these articles:

    EEGer Pricing Overview
    Clinical Equipment & License Pricing
    Home Use Equipment & License Pricing

  • "Can EEGer Do X?"

    EEGer has been in development for 20+ years, and gives full control of the feedback process to the clinician. There is an exhaustive amount of features included with the software, more than enough to support the many different ways that clinicians use it each day.

    If you are interested in a specific feature or functionality, please ask when getting started with the software! All of our staff members are knowledgeable about how the software works, and are here to support your use of it.

    If what you’re looking for is not included, we’d love to hear your suggestions! EEGer is built upon clinician feedback and insight. The software receives regular content updates to add new features and integrations requested by members of our community.

  • How Does At-Home Training Work?

    Clients who use EEGer remotely work with a trained supervising clinician who is experienced with using EEGer in a clinical capacity. This clinciian creates a training plan and helps the client run sessions (either by providing instruction or remotely operating the system).

    EEGer does not place restrictions on the type of training that can be performed, the number of home-users permitted to use the system, or the number of sessions allowed. These controls are given to the supervising clinician, who specifies how the system can be used by creating Home Use Client Files from their clinical system.

    The goal behind Home Use with EEGer is to empower clinicians and their clients, and to make brain training more accessible. If you have any questions about the process, whether you are a client looking for a clinician or otherwise, please ask!

  • Why Should I Choose EEGer Instead of Another Software?

    At the core, clinicians choose EEGer because it is effective. It gives full control over the training process from start to finish. The software doesn’t hide information or make assumptions. It’s clear where the data is coming from, and allows for real-time review and adjustment. Importantly, the software doesn’t make claims or speculation about what the data means, or tells the clinician what to do. It presents the data in full for the clinician to use as they see fit.

    We don’t really believe in sales pitches — buzzwords can’t describe the journey you undertake by adding neurofeedback. A more accurate judge of a product’s quality is the community that uses it. We encourage anyone looking to add neurofeedback as a treatment modality to first reach out to members of the community to understand what their experiences have been like.

  • What if I'm Not Ready?

    That’s okay! There is a learning curve to getting started with anything, especially neurofeedback. We encourage clinicians to research different options before committing to a specific software or training course, and to be wary of anyone trying to rush you.

    Even if you’re not sure if EEGer or neurofeedback is the right choice, you may still benefit from joining our online community. Many of our users have experience with different software systems, so can help compare and contrast your options. There’s also a good chance that they were in a similar position when they started!

    An easy way to get involved is to particpate in a free or paid webinar on We offer free and paid webinars and discussion groups about neurofeedback and other mental health topics that you’ll probably find interesting. The people who who attend these sessions are inviting and friendly, so it is a great place to make connections or for conversations to start.

Have Questions?

Our team is happy to schedule a time to answer your questions and provide more information. Use the contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly.